I recently found myself trying to explain, when asked, why I no longer watch a popular television series. Or more accurately, verbally fumbling all over myself trying to explain why I no longer watch a popular television series. And in the end, I'm pretty sure I was unsuccessful.
I like to think I'm relatively articulate but found myself running circles around my point. This has led me to the conclusion that I probably shouldn't be trying to explain something I don't even understand myself.
So over the next couple of days, I meditated on it. I danced on it. I ate on it. Why had I removed this series and a number of other 'hit' shows from my current viewing menu? It felt 'right,' that much was true. But 'right' as reasoning felt incomplete and vague.
There was a word I was lacking that I just knew would fit my sense of this answer. But the word remained elusive for a good number of days.
What I did know, as I reached for this word, was that lately I have little tolerance for 'entertainment' that steels something from me, that compromises me in some way.
For example, I try to watch very little news. The news industry can claim their mission is to inform, but I'm skeptical. I think their goal is to disturb and upset. What is it about the news that makes us keep coming back for more disturbing and true stories?
Another example: I am not crazy about the genre of Suspense when it comes to movies and books. I do not like that gut gripping "I have to know how this ends" feeling I get about half way through. Even if the movie or book sucks, I have to see how it turns out or it will drive me crazy thinking about it. I'm a freak, what can I say?
I find most reality TV to be disturbing. The suspense of waiting to see who will exhibit what manipulative, self-serving egregious behavior next. Waiting to see what nasty, rude dream-crushing thing Simon says next. I believe reality TV has very little to offer. Why are we so intoxicated by watching what is often the very worst of people? Even if it somehow accidentally manages to inspire someone, it isn't worth the price of the toxic nature that seems to be required for good ratings.
The huge following such programs enjoy are just another reason for me not to join in. Why would I seek to be counted among the pop culture 'throng?' (Not thong, throng.) Does that argument work in your head? "Everyone else loves it, so it must be good?" Bullshit. I understand that there are valid objections to my point; I can hear them in my head. I do not care.
I do not believe something has to be disturbing to be entertaining. But in fact, most pop media seek to push the envelope in this direction. I've had enough. 'Disturbing' steels something from my soul each time I allow it. It robs me of my peace, bit by bit. What little optimism, hope, encouragement I was naturally born with is slowly worn away by provocative media. I do not need to be provoked to be entertained. It's quick and easy entertainment but it is not quality entertainment.
It feels like an addiction to me. I don't know if I'm interested in anything that I HAVE to have. I feel dependent and weak when I NEED to see the next installment of Sopranos, The L Word, Desperate Housewives, Rescue Me, Survivor; Central Park or what ever. Now, I realize there are millions of toes to be stepped on here. That's fine, I can live with that. Fortunately for me, there are very few people stopping here to get their toes stepped on. Sorry to those two people.
So, if 'disturbing' is what I seek to avoid, what then do I seek to include deliberately in my life? The answer is 'that which edifies.'
Raised in Sunday School, there were a few words heard frequently in that specific setting, that a child would rarely hear on the outside. Redemption, sanctification, reverence. Valid words all, but not often used in common, everyday verse. For me, as a child, 'edify, edification' were even more mysterious than other such church-specific words.
But that is what I seek: to invite into my life that which enlightens, empowers, stimulates intelligent thought, encourages my spirit, my dreams, lightens my path, expands my future, bolsters me to walk taller, farther. The world as it stands is a dark and disturbing place. Why go seeking more of what we already suffer to endure?
As I said, I like to think of myself as relatively articulate, you may disagree. If I have failed to make my point, I think I still get an 'A' for quantity and for use of my thesaurus. If the gauge by which you judge content include that of most of the world: sensational, edgy, provocative, dark, creepy, inciting, 'fringe,' well then I'll happily just continue to suck, by those standards.
Happy July 13th!
9 years ago
Ouch, you're messing with my pedicure! Yes, your garden variety reality show junkie here. I find all television fascinating and if it is on, I cannot look away to save my life. So, I don't watch as much as I would really like and that is the best I can do. I turn off the tv and listen to inappropriate music for a woman my age. I agree with Ms. Scarlett about news being suspect so I don't even go there. I trust questionable characters scrambling for a million bucks a heck of alot more than I trust my politicians. I do my part in the greater world by being a nice person and raising nice children. I'm not sure if I am getting this blog comment thing down, am I? Is this supposed to be about me or you? Is it ok your words just make a person think? I will check back.
To anonymous #1 above:
Well, my unconditional support for pretty toes aside, these are exactly the kind of comments I would hope to find here. Stimulating conversation via Web log ramblings are all good as far as I'm concerned. Thought-provoking would be my ideal content. Keep checking in whenever you can because I want to hear what you think. It's about 'us.'
It's great that you are examining what you are putting into yourself. So many people don't - just consuming what the media places in front of them. I'm not a fan of reality TV (or actually much TV at all for that matter) but I do gravitate towards the dark and creepy. I think that I have a need to know other people's lives are worse than mine. Not that my life is bad - I know I have a privelidged life in the big picture - but I still wrestle with being a pawn in the big game of life, when naturally I should be the king. Our society is set up in a way that works for most people, but it doesn't work for all. As a borderline misfit, I need the dark, creepy, edgy and insane, to try and maintain my own sanity.
Keep writing, and thanks for doing it!
I understand completely what you are saying here. Although I wish I had such easy access to the high road that you do, I too find myself being sucked into the black hole like vortex that is regular and or reality television. I have this capacity when it comes to news, local, national, those little headlines when signing into yahoo mail, papers, radio and so on. Those are easy for me to avoid in abundance. This comes from a childhood of having to endure my father getting riled up during the evening newscasts most night. So at least I learned what not to do in that sense. But the overflowing vat of icky "reality" T.V. sometimes becomes too seductive to look away from. That whole train wreck syndrome that we as humans find ourselves submitting to from time to time. *sigh*
I would be embarrassed to make a list of reality shows that I have had some part in watching. So I will not bore you with those unsightly specifics. But you are 100% right here. What you reminded me of when you made your list of entertainment programs that you find yourself needing to watch is what I most can relate to.
I have seen the entire Sopranos, Deadwood, Rome, serieses. In fact they were bootlegged when I first watched them, back before every single show was made into a DVD box set two months after the seasons end. Which probably says something either about these shows addictive nature, or something more about my own moral compass. Anyways, when these shows go off the air, sometimes without "conclusion" I used get upset that they did not get to the "finish". Until I realized that I was glad I did not have to sit down and watch another season of dark, depressing, violent, and ultimately disappointing, television programing.
I am glad that there was not season 4 of Deadwood. I am glad there is not going to be any more Romes, and that the Sopranos is finally going to sleep with the fishes. And the main reason behind this is what do you think? IF you guessed reality T.V. give yourself a gold star. Because it is so much more cost effective to pay a panel of 3 judges and turn on the cameras watching semi famous people try to dance, or try to sing, or try to "survive on a deserted island", or try to become the next apprentace, or win the heart of the bachelorette. Than to construct elaborate costumes, semi-intriguing writing/storylines, construct western or ancient roman sets and gather a group of 10 talented actors and actresses to create the same stimulating/shocking effects in the viewers as random strangers who are trying to win the "heart" of Flavor Flav.
Eh? I sort of ranted then repeated myself there. Oh well. I guess if I have a point, I am not totally convinced that I do, it is that I am glad you shared, and if this world needs anything it might be more toes being stepped on. How else are people going to be awoken from the distractions and self inflicted comas they eagerly fall into night after night? Sleeeeeeeeep!
And, if I have any advice to give to you it is this. You have spent your time much more wisely writing into this blog and made me spent my time more wisely by responding to your words. So in that small respect you have done a good thing. I hope you keep on writing and blogging, giving things for my mind to play around with. It is way more entertaining then whatever could be playing on my turned off television at the moment. Thank you.
May 15, 2007 11:47 PM
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