I've said this before at the beginning of a few previous posts, but it feels fair to tell you: I've got an edge on.
This will probably end up being a good thing, considering the direction I foresee this blog post going.
There's a gulf between my heart and my head. An Aaron-shaped gulf.
If you haven't read the post just previous to this one, go read it now. Seriously. (You would never watch
Okay, all that (the previous post) being said, here's the other thing: I don't like it.
I get it.
I admire it.
I serve as Danger Jim news reporter for it.
I got to know the REI staff so well that I think I may now be Godparent to one of their children.
I Google Map for it. (You don't think so? I can Google Map your ass with one hand tied behind my back!)
I fully support it (with the possible exception of what you're about to read if you stick around here long enough and my occasionally referring to it as the Bullshit Expedition, I fully support it).
Even so.... I Don't LIKE It. I don’t, I don’t. (You can’t see this, but my feet are taking turns stamping the floor.)
Intellectually, I get
In fact, truth be told, I probably started this line of thinking. The 'follow your heart' thing, the concept of us all being here for divine purpose, magical dreams and passions was probably first taken seriously by Aaron only after I spoke of it a few dozen times on our first date. You can ask him if this is an accurate statement or not.
It may take him a couple of years to get back to you; he's a little tied up right now.
Can you sense the edge from the aforementioned verse?
Until the past week or two, this blog space, My Scarlet Letters has been somewhat vague regarding the personal details of my private life. I have referred to previous relationships (good and/or bad) in a general manner. I have spoken of my work place in a relatively broad-spectrum way. I've mentioned my children briefly and in a peripheral fashion.
That probably won't be the case any longer. Things are about to get more specific.
The man in my life has made a major life change that is having dramatic effects on my own.
Isn't this crazy? Outlandish? Kind of exciting to contemplate the adventure involved?
I love that the man I love thinks like this.
That he believes in the possibility of such things.
That one day it occurs to him that it would be amazing to take a walking trip across the country, so he starts figuring out the best way to make it happen. How cool is that?
Haven't we all had those over the rainbow fantasies for a few seconds? "Wouldn't it be cool to motorcycle across
Yes, I love that he thinks this way, but I do not like him actually doing it. This dichotomy pisses me off. I hate this intersecting energy. What does it mean when the dream of one half of a couple is at direct cross purposes with the couple itself? At least it seems like cross purposes to this half of the couple. The one left behind, in my self-pitying state. So attractive, self pity. Now, I’m pissed and unattractive. Win-win.
I don’t like it.
The problem is, I get his point. About us. That there’s opportunity as a couple to support each other, me supporting
Can you feel my struggle? I’m torn. I don't like it.
Can we pick our dreams? Our destiny? Or does it come with our DNA, like the dictating of our shoe size or our preference for dark as opposed to milk chocolate?
I feel like a bully. I preach for the support and understanding of following one’s bliss until I find this one inconvenient or annoying? Like
I suspect, but I'm not sure, that if I looked him straight in the eye and said, "
So I didn't say it. I didn't say “Don’t go.” “DON’T GO!” I never really wanted to say such a thing. Honestly. Plus there's the little matter of the fact that I so believe in what he's doing. I just don't like it.
Some one speculated that this will be really hard for me waiting but that
The 'rock' I mentioned in the previous post is my belief. It’s a boulder. My belief in the magic of following that inner voice. Honoring your bliss. Your deepest desires. (I believe we come to this planet with our desires because we are MEANT to fulfill them!) This feels solid, organic and unmoving.
The 'blade of the oncoming bulldozer' is the side of me who wants to pitch a fucking fit. The smaller, isolated, narrow-thinking, selfish bitch side that wants
My head knows that "Life is too short to put off your dream."
My heart retorts that "Life is also too short to be apart for such a long period of time."
This is the most amazing romantic relationship I've ever known and now half of it is walking along the
"I don't like it," she cried.
I'm really good at all the other stuff. The stuff above: supporting, admiring, following, news reporting, Google mapping. Really good. Ask
What I'm not so good at is the 'not liking it' part. I feel good when I rally for
But the 'not liking it' feels terrible. It feels small and sad. I feel small and sad. I feel alone and broken.
Unsure of my ability to weather this adventure.
When I started this post I was mad. Now I'm just sad.
Oh well, I have to go no. I get to go see ‘
I feel you.
Thank you so much for saying these words. Thank you for putting yourself out there this way. I am so glad I am with a person who is not afraid. Who is not scarred to say how she feels. To say what she means. To be who she really is.
The hardest part about this journey, without a doubt, is being away from you. This comes out of how much I love you, but it also comes out of the amazing support and genius that you give to me, unconditionally, and without a second thought.
Not once have you held back your support and efforts to help me. Even though the edge in the aforementioned verse creeps in, your help still comes without consideration of withholding it.
How is that possible? How can this be?
Because we love each other that much, that is how.
I am doing my best to support you but the two way street so far has not been equitable. I want to heal your edge. I want to help you with your frustrations. I have come back to you the first two weekends of the journey because I am having such a hard time being away.
I love you Babara S. I want to come back to you. I want to support you all the way whilst I am gone. I want to help you with all of this stuff that you mentioned above.I am doing my best to keep us in the very best place.
You are not the only one who is all twisted up, that is for sure...
Love always,
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