08 November 2011

Play Time

I'm taking an on-line class at work on Customer Service. Tier 1 Support Specialist. I really like the class. I wish I had more time to devote. And I wish every one, every where were required to take it.
Or that I could wave my Magic Wand and that every one every where would just be instantly endowed with the principles of this course.
Oh well.

The unit I'm in now is called Ways to Enhance Creativity (in relation to problem solving during customer support). One of the assignments was to list five new ways in which I am going to supplement and enhance my current work space to encourage more creativity, and support thinking increasingly with my right brain when I assist callers on the Helpdesk. (Because, as I've learned, as logical and efficient as my left brain can be, she is also quite rigid and linear when that might not be the best thing.)

The not unattractive instructor of this class puts a heavy emphasis on the concept of Playing with a problem instead of Working a problem. The distinction here resonates soundly within me. Much of the lesson was on converting one's work station into a creativity center with playful aspects incorporating all the senses.

So I made my list of five things:

  • Get a goldfish

  • Order a mini Zen garden

  • Buy a bright red Lady Bug shaped computer mouse on-line

  • Play more Baroque music (which is proven to stimulate alpha brain waves like no other form of music.) I'll have to give up disco, I suppose.

  • Oh now, I can't remember the fifth one but I assure you it was a very good idea and I did receive 100% on the assignment.

But as I 'played' with this assignment, I realized I already have some creativity inducers going on over here.

  • I have some mini wind chimes hanging at the entrance to my cubicle.

  • I have Calvin & Hobbes strips and pictures pinned to my walls

  • A window to let me take in the clouds and other weather outside.

  • I regularly have a vase of fresh flowers adorning my space. Sometimes two vases.

  • I have a couple of real live plants.

  • A hot pink pinwheel

  • A sand dollar from my beach

  • Midge in the next cubicle

  • Library books with amazing images, beautiful watercolors or mind-blowing pop-up creations on display

  • An Origami crane and a white globe

  • Multiple audio books on my shelf to choose from depending on my mood

  • And until someone tripped over the stool beneath it, a frog shaped garden sculpture being used as a candy dish filled with color coordinated Jelly Bellys. (Bellys, is that right? Looks wrong. But not as wrong as Bellies.)

I am grateful for my right brain. Bless her heart.

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