Midnight is a bitch, you know? I never felt this way until this month of this year.
It is November 2011. And among other things it is National Novel Writing Month.
In years past, I've heard about National Novel Writing Month. But I've always heard about it just after November 1.
(November being the aforementioned Month.)
(November being the aforementioned Month.)
So missing the kick off, I always resolved to do it the next year. But who remembers to put something called NaNoWriMo on their calendar a year ahead of time. The idea is that on November 1 you start a novel. Something you have not yet started to write at all. Except maybe in your head. Outlines seem to be tolerated but otherwise, virgin fiction.
The goal is 50,000 words by November 30.
So this works out to 1667 words a day. For 30 days! 50,000 fricking words.
Does that sound like a lot to you? Try it. Start with Once upon a time and don't stop until you reach your word count. But (and here's the rub), it should be in the form of a story. You may not, as it turns out, write the same word 50,000 times and call it good.
So the bitch about midnight is, at 11:20 p.m on any given night, let's say I've written 1300 words but am still 367 words short.
My tired eyes over-rule my desire to continue and I start to nod off. "Okay off to bed with you." I am only 367 words short. Not bad. I worked an eight hour day, with a two hour commute. Get some sleep. Right? Well, here's the deal. I may have gone to bed only 367 words short of my goal but when I wake up the next morning, I am now a whopping 2034 away from that day's goal. Shit.
26, 087 words to this point. Just a bit off my mark. We'll see how this goes. I am grateful for every word so far.
I heard it was also National Pomegranate Month.
Now, for the record, I have long been a proponent of male facial hair, not for just one month a year.
I went in search of more information on Movember and stumbled across the fact that it is also National Beard Month in the United States. (I love my county!)
This was a fun website to check out:
and also....
Happy Movember indeed.
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