"And now, 50,000 words and one month later, you are a NaNoWriMo Winner!"
I'm grateful for the pants on the dining room table.
If it weren't for those pants, I'd have never started writing my 50,000 words on November 1, 2011.
And now on November 30, it's late. I'm sitting in my living room with a fire in the wood stove, the water out there in the dark, quiet tonight and right here with me is my first reader of these words. (There was no reading allowed until 50,000 was reached. Or more like "I won't read it until you reach 50,000.)
Every time he laughs I have to know what part he's reading. His eyes water with laughter. Is there any better form of encouragement? I'm so grateful.
Even though November 2011 is over and I reached my goal:
50,000 words, BABY! I'll keep at this story until it tells me it's finished.
When it's done, I'll need some readers for pre-editing feedback.
The story is called Hiding Madore.
Think about whether you'd be willing to read it for me and then (gulp) give me honest feedback so I can go back in for the 're-write.' Meditate on it. Light a candle or whatever.
I'll be in touch.
ME ME ME I will give you honesty. My opinion, even when not asked for. I am grateful for being from NY - where just that statement explains almost everything about me. Snort.
Okay, Chicca! You are on.
I'll let you know when I have a printed copy. Or do you want to read it off your PC? Thanks for stepping up to bat for me! I could use more of that.
WHAT! Who you mena chicca? How you know I am a she and not a he. Huh huh huh. Damn - okay reading it on a pc will be just fine.
I know that you are a 'she' and not a 'he' because none of the 'he' types that I know, are cool enough to type the word 'snort' in their blog comments, their texts and their work email.
In fact most of the male types I'm acquainted with, aren't even up to commenting here. So the odds were in our favor, in this case.
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