28 April 2008

Fairy Dust & Ruby Slippers

I believe in magic. I do.

There, I said it. Whew, load off.

I believe in the unexplainable, in the mystical, in the mythical.

I believe in wonder, in marvel.

I believe.

I don’t know if I believe magic can inhabit us bodily, as much as I believe it floats around us.

It swirls and sparkles and shines all around.

Like glittery feathers on currents of wind. Fireflies and pixies.

Or maybe just like the wind itself.

Because you can’t actually ‘see’ the wind, but the effects of it are clear, if we are watching for it.

Maybe we can’t actually ‘see’ magic, but the results are all around. IF we take the time, slow down and pay attention.

I believe. I do.

This being true, that I believe, you might think my life would be filled with wonder and whimsy and reflections of light. But alas. No. The reason this ‘no’ is so, is because I am SO. Mostly, we are all SO. (To say this ‘SO’ properly, you have to say it as you let out all the air in your lungs. Try this.)

We are heavy with SO. We are SO busy living, thinking, planning, scheming, meaning to get to this and to that. We are SO busy reflecting and analyzing and remembering and prophesying and whining and the magic is missed.

Even knowing this, even with this (pardon me for saying so, but. . . . .) amazing insight, I still miss it, most of the time. I seem to, mostly, be SO busy looking ahead and SO busy looking behind. Foolish. Particularly foolish, because I’m aware of a better way and still fall short.

My inexcusably lame excuse is ‘habit.’ I’ve always done it this way. It’s hard (and maybe a bit scary) to even think about doing life a different way. I am in the habit of missing the magic.

For me the magic is in the calm. It’s in the peace and breathing. For me, magic is in the smallest, least planned moments of my life. I love to look for magic in the coincidence, in the serendipity, in the space between other things. I want to share a little list of examples here, but somehow, feel doing so, would trivialize the magic.

I’m also thinking, that some people are more likely to beget magic than others. There are some people in my life with whom magic is simply more likely to happen. In fact, now that I think about it, I seem to have a disproportionately high amount of people in my life who are not exactly the magic-spawning types.

Boy, wouldn’t that make a great title: Spawn of the Magic Lagoon

Maybe it’s a chemistry thing. My daughter and I, together, seem to walk in a multitude of magical moments. Like her idea of magic, matches up very well with my idea of magic.

We have great magic chemistry.

Or it may also be a proximity thing, because my two sons no longer live at home and so, we have much less opportunity to experience shared magic. It definitely happens, but is less frequent.

Funny but the more I go on here about magic, the less magic seems to be floating around me.

So, off I go.
I may have a long way to go until I am regularly breathing in magic, but I think I’m one-step closer because . . . . .

I believe.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this. Why though, when I write a comment about one of your blogs, it often does not go through, only to be lost in oblivion?!!! There is no way I can recreate what I just wrote. It was great though. I love your stuff.