13 April 2009

Barbie: The Blog Camel

According to bigsiteofamazingfacts.com, "Camels on the Sahara Desert can go all winter without water, and will even refuse to drink if water is given to them!"

Sadly, I can relate.

I'm telling you right up front, that I cannot vouch for the content nor quality of these following few words.

It has just been so long since my last sip of 'water' in the blog sense of the word, that the self-inflicted, internal pressure has become intense. And more than I can bear. Therefore...... I'm settling.

So much time had passed since I've last written here, that I began to raise the bar for my next but long overdue post. And with each passing day that I didn't write here that bar crept higher and higher until it now blends with the gray of the Puget Sound clouds and I really can't see it from way, way down here any more.

The pole I would need to clear this great height does not exist. So I'm cashing in my 'Get out of jail free' card. I've held it squirrelled away since fifth grade when I had hotels on Boardwalk and Park Place and owned all four railroads, which eventually sent my sister crying to her room.

In my defense, I feel compelled to say that it isn't as if I haven't had things to say. Things to share, to write here about. I have. I do. I will. It's just that I've had so much to write about. Whenever I'd start to cook up a little pot of blog post in my head early in a day, before noon it would overflow from sweltering and scorched emotion and opinion. It became too much and it was overwhelming to consider condensing such temper or passion into reader-friendly form and so I've fail to write entirely. At least here in my blog. In truth, this is no defense but I feel better having said it.

I appreciate the chance to get this ridiculous form of literary self-mutilation out of my system. I am grateful for your patience and your kind, listening ear.


Anonymous said...

I sooo miss you!


Anonymous said...

Welcome back! :D