04 May 2010

Afraid to start

I keep putting this post off. Off. OFF.
I am not sure I can do it.
When ever I start to write here, or even think of how to start,
my chest gets tight and I can't get good air.
I need to write about Aaron.
Not in the 'oh mom, do I have to do the dishes' kind of 'need to.'
But in the "I'll go crazy if I don't do this" need to.
I can't not.
The thing is, there is so much to say and I feel so very strongly about every single bit of it,
I just can't.
My throat is tight just typing about it.
There is so much.
I keep dancing around it but never look at it head on.
Without all the details I should be giving you here first, I'll say this much...
Today was my first day back at work since he left.
And it was FAR harder than I would have guessed.
When someone comes up to me and asks, "Barbie, how's Aaron doing?"
I am fine. I can talk and smile and function fairly well.
When someone comes up to me and asks, "Barbie, how are you doing since Aaron left?"
I can't speak. I can't breathe. I can't even look into their face.
Excuse me, I need to go find a tissue and a drink.

1 comment:

AaronAcrossAmericA said...

Oh sweetie! I love you so much. I want to hear your words. I want to know what you have to say. I want you to say, yell, scream, shout, laugh, cry if you have to. Thank you for these words but some of us need more.

Please continue if you can manage it. I can't wait to hear what you have to say even if it is no all shiny and glowy.

Please write baby, please...
