16 November 2011

Black Crows and Day Old Doughnuts

The coolest thing happened at work today. Black Crows.
"She talks to angels." Not that kind of black crows.

It was late in the day for the majority of people in my department, in my building. But generally, I work later than most.

I enjoy that part of my day. When most every one else has gone home to set their alarm clock for the next day.

But on this unusual day there were still quite a few people around. Anomalously.

A year ago, our department underwent a remodel. It was an interesting and torturous adventure. (I still have two boxes waiting to be unpacked.)

When we moved back to real desks, mine was next to a window. I was and remain all gratitude for my window. Thank you. Thank you.

One of my co-workers, nearby but not next to a window, said it was now my job to keep him informed of any snow fall. Diligently since, I've watched and reported back, as needed. There hasn't been much action for months but I'm still watching. Feels like at any time, I might be back in business here.

Today the skies grew very dark, even for this time of year. They were that stunningly dark, gunmetal gray that seems computer generated for some epic action, super hero movie when something wicked this way is about to come. (Cue the ominous music... dun, dun, duhhhhhh.) But is was all organic and real. And impressive.

Now, I'm not reporting this event to my fellow co-workers because often in a group of people, I'm the only one who tends to get impressed by such weather related phenomenon. So I'm just appreciating the view alone and going about my very important work. But then against the abnormally dark sky, some thing black catches my eye. Then many, many things black catch my eye. Suddenly dozens and dozens of black crows (like there are any other color) have taken flight and filled the air directly outside my window.

"Come look out my window!" I yell over my shoulder, to whomever is left in my department.

And they aren't flying to or from any where. They just seem to be flying in loose circles and ovals and ellipses and other soft curvy shapes. Then in divine choreography, they'd all land in the few trees across the parking lot and across the street. For a few moments of eerie peace, the air would be clear of birds and only full of clouds. The fast moving, churning type of dark gray clouds. Then like someone flipped a switch, the crows all took flight again. Diving and gliding and floating. Combined crow chaos. Then all back to their spot on a branch or wire. For a few minutes. Then in a menacing group swoop, all in the air again. Many more than I could count. Flocks and flocks. Like they were all in town for a convention.

I've never seen anything like it. I want to use the word phenomenon. (And I just did.)

Black Crows and doughnuts today. Will wonders never cease. It was an especially good day. Did you see those crows?

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